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the event. Next frontier in the north of the line by setting up satellite, stationed heavily, the construction of the castle pier, sending

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: threw first-born" means - 03/12/2010 03:51

When Emperor Yongle Emperor Zhu Di to scramble, with the Mongol army, what does this show? Yuan Dynasty, the Han Meng implacable, of you can look at Baidu, "threw first-born" means. But that does not prevent the composition of Zhu Di, the Mongol army to fight to get their Han brothers, what does this show? How to prevent harassment of the Mongolian nobility forces  wow gold south, is the early Ming rulers attached great importance to the event. Next frontier in the north of the line by setting up satellite, stationed heavily, the construction of the castle pier, sending troops to patrol these activities have allegiance to the Mongols to participate. Preparation of real fire with Yu Cong Xuanfu "repeated Feng Zhao Tour Edge." Zhang Tingyu. History of the Ming [M]. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1974. (Volume 145 "fire true mass") Element Four other people, the Mongols first, but that does not prevent the Ming emperor to listen to the words of the Mongols, the Ming Dynasty the northern border defense, beat those who invaded the Mongolian brothers, which in turn wow po show? Nationalism is a modern concept only, take it sets into the medieval background of Azeroth, and do not necessarily do the same ---- but the words and circle back to the medieval knights do not allow women, and no aliens, So if you insist people Azeroth (refers to all intelligent beings), in the absence of universal literacy when they are inherent with the spirit of nationalism had ---- I can only smile. PS: Ming Dynasty, the Khitan tribe men have a cavalry, is said to have a big old head of the Liao royal descent do ---- this person, surnamed Xiao.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: World of Warcraft players articles - 23/12/2010 03:42

Today, I will further analyze the perspective of the player to open the wrong tone pink!

    First, Tao Wang said WOW is the spirit of open drug, and WOW players are drug addicts too. I feel for this analogy is wrong! This point of view there are two errors: 1, WOW is definitely not opening in said Tao Wang psychotropic drugs, and "Internet addiction" in general terms can not be said to be caused by WOW, "addiction" word from the source Zeng speech, "the official advisory business "" foreign addiction fat person, sharing tears Iraq, Bianshen limp. "purported value of the special deep" bad habits "and later a general term for a special interest in things. This shows that both addiction Ye Hao, WOW addiction worth mentioning, if these acts classified as similar if there is a drug premise is that these acts are "bad habits especially deep", if playing WOW is bad habits, then and compared to some other social phenomenon, I can not imagine how many people in China who do not do drugs! ! ! Obviously such an analogy is wrong! 2, since the first definition does not match, then it is obvious that the majority of WOW players for the "special interest", the so-called (wow gold)"special" I think very appropriate interpretation of the soft spot, we just think the game well willing to invest in this game of time and energy to achieve spiritual pleasure, which in turn is wrong with it? Like other people drink tea, smoking, playing mahjong, reading, calligraphy and other activities is the same one purpose, but to achieve the medium make a difference! Please do not play games that young people are not serious thing, is disgraceful, because we live in this network is extremely developed and popular (as opposed to their parents for) the society, this is our way of entertainment, only this only! We play games online just as their fathers Wanni Ba, slingshot, lower river to catch fish is a reason! So we play the game is not wrong, it should not be labeled as "drug addicts" in the name! If those of us who simply wanted to frame it, then I can boldly say that this behavior is the parents that we inherited, is a human genetically determined! Please note: I am not shirk its responsibility, since you can push a game addiction body, then I lay the blame upon another gene Why not?(cheap wow gold)

    Second, TAO Hong-Kai, said: "They (the players) do not understand, the more they called me, but that violent pornography is to poison the Chinese online games youth drug, more proof I was right."

    This sentence appears to be very reasonable, and full of sense of justice, but we know little scrutiny about how ridiculous this statement, and there is no logic! Let me give you a simple example to understand: We are honest part, did not do anything wrong, and suddenly being hit on the face, please note that this time, although we are innocent, but we can not talk back to their own defensiveness Why? Truth has been told us by the TAO open, that is, the more we defend themselves the more that we do something wrong, now we only have to remain silent, vulnerable to physical or verbal abuse to be able to reality that we are innocent! What kind of logic? ! Gangster logic! ~ ~ WOW your casual players dubbed us the name of drug users, and we suffered such injustice, but there is no chance of his own defense, some players angry phone call you, harass you, I am here on behalf of these passionate players sensible move not to apologize to you, I apologize because we should not disturb your life, definitely not a compromise we are to you! I believe you also know that human life will inevitably interpersonal friction, with friction and curse a few people I think that is absolutely normal, and it is absolutely reasonable! So, some people can not help but call you, as you hated addiction, television irrational to blame him, like WOW, like you do not mind the drug compared to WOW players, like all normal human behavior !(

    Secondly, I would also like to note several points: 1, you can not because the martial arts scenes in films and television shows, put the bloody scenes of the play characterized as violent video! CCTV on behalf of four famous works of a series of scenes, "The Water Margin" Sun Erniang stripping people of black man meat buns point man, the swords, and almost become a "sword spirits of the dead," the actor was naked uncle state, we can verify! This tells us that sometimes we need some very real, very easy for people to accept the way the display, should be the only way is the most direct and most people feel, empathy! Similarly you can not because there is fighting in the WOW part of the game put the WOW characterized as violent games! 2, you can not have films and television shows because of the ugly anti-party forces appeared to put the show distasteful film characterization. Beauty and ugliness, good and evil are in conflict, can not exist, the existence of the former on the latter to strengthen and render! CCTV works on behalf of the four famous series "Journey to the West", which one of the ghosts and goblins abound, but no one ever said that this is a film and television work to promote superstition! WOW, there are also the same ethnic honor, forces, honor, professional honor, there are (Union representative) are evil (represented by tribe), role-playing games and TV shows the same token, we need someone to play these roles, just to see everyone love it, so it appears a lot of servers Union, two major forces in tribal extreme imbalances. TAO Hong-Kai, which is know? You investigated it? You studied it? No! Then you have no say! 3, you can not have love for films and television shows or both of the lens will be close to its characterization as a porn movie! CCTV works on behalf of four famous series "Dream of Red Mansions", there is a lot of what I have said not only shots but also exposed many many inhuman feudal times, is not acceptable to the modern concept of moral values and habits. Of course, for WOW what I think you can not find the erotic factor is it! .............

     Finally, in my capacity as a WOW player, but also with a sense of responsibility to society as young people, as citizens of a Republic of China solemnly declared: If you say WOW really as online games become an unhealthy, you do not your the old trouble, I would be the first to stand up to WOW!

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: shield was break but no wow gold kaufen off how many red - 06/04/2011 05:00

The second method:
Note: Please choose the first approach of the equipment less than 4T6, rapid >200. also, snakes that evildoer start with things as far as possible, combined with wow gold precious stone eating gems can by 4,000 Blue can also + back injury (Austrian copy output are also artifacts, OH)


1, poly blame: as of hands sheep blame, but keep who of ice shield, not with rain deceleration (savings blue OH), = blame came has hair dryer, face blame back, such will has 3 a blame first close you, and in delay does not red of situation Xia, you of ice shield was break but no wow gold kaufen off how many red, and for to a ice ring, this ice ring just to 6 a blame poly live has. (More exercise, but do not doubt the feasibility of this approach, proven success rate >95%)
2:-a blame: for to a ice ring Hou place rain, ice ring disappeared Hou with you of ice ring skills then ice live, and rain, because has broken ice talent of exists, you of snowstorm storm hit rate maintained in 70% around, you will found 2 times snowstorm Hou blame basically is wind a blowing on pour has, and Shang ice shield, = blame breaking shield or security purposes directly flashes out Xia third times snowstorm, left of a ice arrow solution, blame does not pour with butcher brother said.
3: Blue: be sure to plan your blue, gem CD to eat, same XJL arcane torrent, ice pulse, the use of rapid cooling and BB can reduce risk while improving efficiency, need you to find the right used in practice time. Because up to 3 times under the rain, in blue to 4,000 of the time you can continue to brush, you should know that gems CD soon. After about 4 to 6 waves you found adhering cannot make new gems and then wake up for decisive, master the rhythm you will find the blue just to life.
This talent to your network and technical requirements are high, I failed to verify that practical and very small. Need to practice, of course.

Keywords: rhythm

Advantages: high efficiency, more than 75 per hour (do not know now how much is the master of wave, 75 don't count is too low, OH)
Disadvantages: not comfortable manipulation or delay red easier KO, to not drink the practices must be proficient.

A few tips:
1, when you determine not to blame for the first time gather, you can use the ice for the second time or open rapid cooling ice ring 1
2, ice spells the range of the talent in the talent "Arctic reach" a point (Poly blame must gifts)
3, has everything? Slow flash camouflage
4, after too long is blame the back of the sheep, and boss also entered the battle. Cool ice gun to hatred, and ran to the door, running a distance will be completely out of, your boss is not dangerous, (the boss needs to see the film, is very important drop)